What is a checklist and how to create one? | Sailet
What is a checklist and how to create one

Currently, many projects face the issue of improper task management, and checklists are being used to address this problem. However, many people have questions about what checklists are and how to effectively use them.

Therefore, we have decided to explain how to properly create checklists and what is required for this purpose.

What is a checklist?

A checklist is a tool that helps to systematize and control the execution of tasks. It is a list of actions that need to be performed in a specific order to achieve the desired result.

Checklists are used in various fields of activity, from project management to medical practice. They aid in simplifying the task execution process, reducing the likelihood of errors, and improving work quality. Our studio is no exception, as specific sets of tasks are also used during team collaboration.

The key advantages of using checklists are:

  1. Work systematization: It allows breaking down complex tasks into smaller subtasks, making them easier to accomplish.
  2. Time-saving: By having all the necessary steps to achieve the result, it reduces the time required to complete the task.
  3. Improved work quality: Clearly defined tasks help to decrease the probability of errors.
  4. Convenience: Checklists can be created in various formats, from paper to electronic, making them convenient to work with.
  5. Control capability: They enable monitoring the task execution process and tracking progress.

Where are checklists used?

Now that we understand what a checklist is, let’s explore where such lists are used and who they are suitable for!

Here are a few examples:

  1. Project management. 

Checklists can be used to monitor task completion within a project. They simplify the work for the entire team, ensuring that everyone knows what needs to be done. This approach enables the team to work productively and complete tasks on time.

  1. Medical practice. 

Checklists are also used to ensure proper procedure execution in medical practice, greatly facilitating the work for healthcare professionals and patients.

Let’s consider an example from general practitioner doctors, where many patients have difficulty understanding what they need to do first after their doctor’s appointment. After a doctor provides a diagnosis, they give the patient guidance on further actions. By implementing the use of checklists in this process, it helps medical staff to efficiently and clearly perform their tasks when interacting with visitors.

Let’s take a closer look at the cases in which such lists are used:

  • Patient identification check: verifying name, surname, date of birth, medical record number, etc.
  • Accuracy of diagnosis check.
  • Patient record check.
  • Availability of all prescribed medications and referrals based on the diagnosis.
  • Availability of all necessary documents, including consent for surgery and examination results if there are serious diagnoses.
  • Ensuring proper preparation of the surgical team.
  1. Business. 

In practice, many people use checklists to control task completion in business, such as conducting inventory or preparing for client meetings, which saves entrepreneurs a significant amount of time.

We can use our company as an example, which increases its efficiency through proper task management:

  • Implementation of checklist usage for all employees.
  • Training company staff on using checklists and ensuring correct application.
  • Regular analysis of results using checklists and making process adjustments if necessary.
  • Evaluation of the effectiveness of checklist usage based on improved service quality, increased order volume, and enhanced customer satisfaction.
  • Regular communication of checklist usage results to employees and involving them in the process improvement.
  • Organizing rewards for best results achieved using checklists and motivating employees to increase their efficiency.
  • Developing and overseeing the execution of a specific plan for implementing business processes in the company.
  • Responsibility for implementing and monitoring checklist usage in the company lies with the manager and the assigned employee responsible for the process.
  1. Education.

Checklists are also implemented to control task completion in the education field, for example, during exams or lesson preparation. They help establish a unified system for assessing and conducting lessons for teachers.

Checklists in education can be used to ensure quality learning and prevent errors in working with students. Furthermore, the use of such lists allows teachers to plan their work more effectively and improve the quality of student education.

Let’s consider an example for conducting lessons:

  • Checking the availability of necessary materials and equipment for the lesson.
  • Verifying the alignment of the lesson topic with the curriculum.
  • Assessing students’ understanding of the goals and objectives of the lesson.
  • Checking the availability and alignment of the lesson plan with the curriculum.
  • Assessing students’ knowledge and understanding of the material.

By outlining these actions, teachers gain a clear understanding of how to work with students and conduct lessons in educational institutions.

How to start creating a checklist?

Creating a checklist doesn’t require any special skills or knowledge, yet it can significantly simplify task completion and improve work quality.

Next, let’s look at a plan for creating a checklist:

Step 1: Define the checklist’s purpose.

The first step in creating a checklist is to determine its purpose. What do you want to achieve with this tool? For example, you can create a checklist to monitor task completion within a project, to control procedure execution in medical practice, or to prepare for a client meeting. Defining the checklist’s purpose will help you generate a list of necessary steps to achieve the desired result.

Step 2: Define the steps to achieve the goal. 

After determining the goal of the checklist, the next step is to analyze the actions required to achieve that goal. Break down the goal into smaller subtasks and identify the sequence of steps needed to accomplish each of them. For example, if you are creating a checklist for project task management, the steps may include task identification, assigning responsible individuals, setting deadlines, and so on.

Here are some tools that can help you outline the goals for your checklist:

  • MindMeister
  • Miro
  • Canva
  • XMind
  • Coggle
  • MindNote
  • SimpleMind
  • iThoughts

Step 3: Compile the list of steps in the desired order.

Once you have identified all the necessary actions to achieve the checklist goal, the next step is to compile a list of these tasks in the desired order. Consider the logical sequence of actions and determine the optimal order for task execution.

These tools can assist you in this process:

  • Bitrix24
  • Trello
  • Asana
  • Todoist
  • Microsoft Outlook
  • Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel

Step 4: Add additional instructions and comments 

After compiling the list of actions, the next step is to add additional instructions and comments. This can be helpful for providing more precise guidance on what needs to be done at each step. For example, you can include explanations for certain subtasks or indicate potential mistakes to avoid.

Step 5: Review and revise the checklist. 

The final step in creating a checklist is to review and revise it. Go through the task list and ensure that it includes all the necessary actions to achieve the goal. Check the correctness of the task order and the presence of added instructions. Make corrections and clarify details as needed.

You can perform the review using analytical tools and advertising platforms such as:

  • Yandex.Metrica and Google Analytics
  • Google Ads and Yandex.Direct for contextual advertising
  • Facebook Ads, Twitter Ads, and other advertising platforms for targeted advertising.


In conclusion, creating a checklist is a simple and effective way to facilitate the organization and control of task completion. It involves defining the goal, outlining the steps to achieve it, creating a list of actions, providing instructions and comments, and correcting any errors that arise, if necessary.

By utilizing these methods, you can efficiently streamline the product development process, ensuring that no important steps are overlooked and ultimately achieving the desired success.

Choose task management tools that are most convenient for you and work towards your desired results.

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