In this article, you’ll find out how we created the Aksham app, which takes finances into account and helps you reach your goals. | Sailet

Time works wonders. Even ten years ago, an accountant who would properly account for personal income and expenses was a pipe dream.

Who aided in the achievement of goals while also instilling discipline, restricted spending, and instilling discipline?

Anyone with a smartphone nowadays has access to this information. We are excited to take on the creation of Aksham, although the concept of such an application is not new. It focuses on the Kazakhstani market. Tenge is the local currency.

What does Aksham do? It helps the user to keep records of income and expenses, and set goals and spending limits. For the customer, it was important that the application was as convenient as possible and anyone could understand: from the child to the pensioner. We have made every effort to achieve that result.

Who are we?

Sailet is a business automation, web, and mobile development studio. 

We are engaged in web development, application development, and business process automation.

We create corporate and national portals, SAAS services, web systems with various integrations, and mobile applications for Android and IOS systems.

Aksham: plan and design project

After a dozen meetings and negotiations, we agreed on the final functionality of the Aksham application with the customer.

After that, we started working on a design plan. 

The final strategy was as follows: 

  • discuss and approve the user’s complete functionality; 
  • approve the role-playing system. (it was decided to leave 2 roles: administrator and operator; the operator did not have access to user management);
  • approve the fields for collecting statistics and make a connection with CRM;
  • develop the design in Figma;
  • create an application and an admin panel;
  • publish the application;
  • a two-month implementation timetable has been agreed upon. 

  It’s worth mentioning that for the customer, the initial version was a start-up (MVP).

The prototype was assembled on by Sailet


The importance of convenience was emphasized. Because the user wanted Aksham to become a part of their lives, simplicity and functionality were prioritized. The designer meticulously sketched the future admin panel and user window. We’ve masked complex data behind the stunning visual design in charts, and we’ve included all of the most common spending categories.

What does the Akshan application do?

The main goal of the application is to teach any person to keep a budget consciously. Aksham makes it clear that you can save money with any income. You just have to learn how to allocate the budget.

  1. Add your income. The user adds any income he receives at the present with a single click. This may be a salary, bonus, dividends, or receiving paid for an order, among other things; 
  2. Add expenses. Aksham has a set of popular categories that allow the user to choose what they want to spend their money on right now (e.g., going to a cafe, purchasing fuel, shopping, paying utility bills, and so much more). 
  3. Fill in the blanks with sources of income and expenses (again, per category for speed and convenience); 
  4. Establish recurring transactions (such as regular Internet expenses and salary receipts); 
  5. Easily and rapidly generate spending reports for a certain period, with the option of exporting to Excel or PDF;
  6. Form the goals of accumulation;
  7. According to the result of the spending limit for the day, which the user himself sets, Aksham will tell you if there are free funds left and offer to set aside them for the goal;
  8. Activate family access, that is, to be able to manage the family budget through a system of roles;
  9. Activate family access, i.e., the ability to manage a family budget using a role-based system; 
  10. Integrate with STB mobile banks to input spending and incomes automatically, as well as manually add cash transactions;
  11. Balance, transfer, and payments are all synchronized. Recognize SMS from financial institutions.

The key modules

For Users

The final design of the Sailet app

We worked on the design for a long time. We wanted to make the interface bright, memorable, but simple.

Login and register by phone number. Confirmation by SMS. There is a possibility of two-factor authentication by an additional password.

The menu is divided into categories and is displayed in a common color circle on the home screen. You can add costs or expenses to a special template. They are displayed in the format of «live tape» as in any internet bank. The user can create a category. Additionally, select an icon and any color.

In the section «profile» — avatar, personal data, possibility to change e-mail and phone.

The most interesting section — is «goals». There you can download a photo of the goods-dreams, see the process of accumulation and visualize the approximation of the coveted amount.

Aksham’s main section is reporting. We created stunning dashboards with charts and information broken down by category. One section allows you to evaluate both your personal and family budgets right away. You can quickly and easily create a file to export revenue and spending for further analysis. After you’ve set a family budget, you may add family members with a single click and track their spending. Setting limitations will also prevent you from overspending.

In the future, Aksham will be of assistance. For example, how to set a goal, how to save money, and what to pay attention to are all topics covered.

There is also a web version that duplicates all the functions of the mobile application.

Sailet’s web design

For administrator

We have created an admin panel with everything you need. There is anonymous reporting on user activity, the total amount of money, the ability to send notifications and fix user statistics, and the role of an administrator-manager for a call center.


  • The chart of the total number of users of Aksham with a date (for a certain period);
  • Schedule the number of active Aksham users with a date;
  • Time in the attachment with date;
  • The total amount of income, expenses, and user goals;
  • The total amount of income, expenses, money for purposes;
  • Chart by sex, age, or city;
  • Popular user expenditure categories;
  • Popular user income categories;
  • Table of users with filtering by status (active, inactive) and search by parameter: Name, Surname, E-mail, Rights.

As a result

The app is available on IOS and Android. We worked hard on every component: design, functionality, and convenience. We made it so that users can easily analyze their income and expenses, set goals, and achieve them.

In a couple of months, more than 4,000 users use the application.