Metric;Description;Why is it needed?;How to apply?
The speed of task completion (Velocity); The number of tasks completed in one sprint;Helps to predict project deadlines and evaluate team performance; Track the dynamics of task completion. When the speed decreases, look for the reasons: overload, complexity of tasks
Meeting deadlines (Time-to-Market);Time spent on the creation and release of the product; Allows you to launch the product faster, minimizing the time to get results; Divide the project into stages, analyze the execution time of each of them
Code quality;Indicators such as the number of errors, code complexity, test coverage;Reduces support costs, minimizes errors and system failures;Use code analysis tools and implement code review
The percentage of completed tasks (Completion Rate);The proportion of completed tasks from the total number of planned ones;Helps to assess the progress and productivity of the team;Compare completed tasks with those planned for each sprint
Bugs and bugs (Bug Rate); The number of errors found during testing or operation;Indicates problems in development, allows you to quickly respond to critical bugs; Fix bugs and monitor their dynamics. Divide them by priority: critical, medium, low
Test Coverage; Percentage of code covered by automated tests;Reduces the likelihood of errors in the future, increases system stability;Strive for 80-90% coverage, add tests every time the code changes
Customer Satisfaction;Customer assessment of product quality, usability;Allows you to understand how the product meets customer expectations;Use NPS (Net Promoter Score) and collect feedback through surveys
Project costs (Cost Performance Index, CPI);The ratio of actual costs to planned;Helps to control the budget and prevent overspending;Track the budget by stages, look for reasons for overspending if necessary
Projected amount of work (Planned-to-Done Ratio);Comparison of planned and completed tasks for a certain period;Assessment of the reality of planning and team effectiveness; Analyze inconsistencies, adjust plans and task volumes
Team Productivity; The total amount of work completed over a certain period of time;Allows you to identify "bottlenecks" and helps motivate the team;Conduct retrospectives, look for ways to improve processes and task allocation